Vluchten Aankomst en vertrek op Orlando Sanford International Airport

Herkomst Vliegmaatschappij Vluchtnr. Gepland Verw./Werkelijke Status
Fletcher (AVL) Allegiant Air G4228 07:31 Gepland
Kentucky (CVG) Allegiant Air G4388 08:20 Gepland
Allentown (ABE) Allegiant Air G4164 08:35 Gepland
Flint (FNT) Allegiant Air G41540 09:12 Gepland
Greensboro (GSO) Allegiant Air G41211 10:31 Gepland
Grand Rapids (GRR) Allegiant Air G4555 10:35 Gepland
Appleton (ATW) Allegiant Air G41580 11:15 Gepland
Pittsburgh (PIT) Allegiant Air G42885 11:33 Gepland
Bloomington (BMI) Allegiant Air G41237 11:42 Gepland
Grand Rapids (GRR) Allegiant Air G41271 12:21 Gepland
Flint (FNT) Allegiant Air G42831 12:29 Gepland
Albany (ALB) Allegiant Air G42824 12:52 Gepland
Mc Allen (MFE) Allegiant Air G41332 13:32 Gepland
Harrisburg (MDT) Allegiant Air G42930 13:34 Gepland
Sioux Falls (FSD) Allegiant Air G42926 14:12 Gepland
Grand Forks (GFK) Allegiant Air G41193 14:58 Gepland
Allentown (ABE) Allegiant Air G42819 17:13 Gepland
Evansville (EVV) Allegiant Air G41301 17:19 Gepland
Allentown (ABE) Allegiant Air G41785 17:34 Gepland
Blountville (TRI) Allegiant Air G41295 17:47 Gepland
Dayton (DAY) Allegiant Air G41288 17:48 Gepland
Clarksburg (CKB) Allegiant Air G41243 18:10 Gepland
Fort Wayne (FWA) Allegiant Air G41334 18:44 Gepland
Key West (EYW) Allegiant Air G42830 18:45 Gepland
Indianapolis (IND) Allegiant Air G4628 20:18 Gepland
Knoxville (TYS) Allegiant Air G43038 20:20 Gepland
Kentucky (CVG) Allegiant Air G4429 20:31 Gepland
Knoxville (TYS) Allegiant Air G43053 20:49 Gepland
South Bend (SBN) Allegiant Air G43721 20:55 Gepland
Fletcher (AVL) Allegiant Air G4258 21:22 Gepland
Bangor (BGR) Allegiant Air G42947 22:43 Gepland
Greenville (GSP) Allegiant Air G42842 23:12 Gepland
Lexington (LEX) Allegiant Air G41248 23:24 Gepland
Akron (CAK) Allegiant Air G41302 23:26 Gepland
Huntington (HTS) Allegiant Air G41279 23:34 Gepland
Belleville (BLV) Allegiant Air G41233 23:35 Gepland
Louisville (SDF) Allegiant Air G41254 23:36 Gepland
Portsmouth (PSM) Allegiant Air G41315 23:39 Gepland
Bestemming Vliegmaatschappij Vluchtnr. Gepland Verw./Werkelijke Status
Bloomington (BMI) Allegiant Air G41327 06:00 Gepland
Grand Rapids (GRR) Allegiant Air G42916 06:05 Gepland
Flint (FNT) Allegiant Air G41246 06:10 Gepland
Pittsburgh (PIT) Allegiant Air G41212 06:15 Gepland
Albany (ALB) Allegiant Air G41230 06:20 Gepland
Greensboro (GSO) Allegiant Air G41191 06:25 Gepland
Grand Forks (GFK) Allegiant Air G42904 06:30 Gepland
New London (GON) NetJets EJA426 06:30 Gepland
Sioux Falls (FSD) Allegiant Air G42863 06:35 Gepland
McAllen (MFE) Allegiant Air G42881 07:00 Gepland
Harrisburg (MDT) Allegiant Air G42950 08:00 Gepland
Gainesville (GNV) Flexjet LXJ461 08:05 Gepland
Asheville (AVL) Allegiant Air G4270 08:16 Gepland
Key West (EYW) Allegiant Air G42834 08:24 Gepland
Cincinnati (CVG) Allegiant Air G42026 09:10 Gepland
St. Augustine (UST) NetJets EJA568 09:18 Gepland
Allentown (ABE) Allegiant Air G4201 09:25 Gepland
Flint (FNT) Allegiant Air G41527 10:02 Gepland
Allentown (ABE) Allegiant Air G41220 11:21 Gepland
Grand Rapids (GRR) Allegiant Air G4546 11:25 Gepland
Appleton (ATW) Allegiant Air G43196 12:05 Gepland
Evansville (EVV) Allegiant Air G41244 12:23 Gepland
Dayton (DAY) Allegiant Air G42847 12:32 Gepland
Fort Wayne (FWA) Allegiant Air G42817 13:11 Gepland
Clarksburg (CKB) Allegiant Air G42910 13:19 Gepland
Blountville (TRI) Allegiant Air G41264 13:42 Gepland
South Bend (SBN) Allegiant Air G43720 15:02 Gepland
Bangor (BGR) Allegiant Air G41203 15:17 Gepland
Portsmouth (PSM) Allegiant Air G42849 16:36 Gepland
Akron (CAK) Allegiant Air G42900 18:03 Gepland
Belleville (BLV) Allegiant Air G41214 18:09 Gepland
Allentown (ABE) Allegiant Air G4197 18:24 Gepland
Lexington (LEX) Allegiant Air G42924 18:37 Gepland
Louisville (SDF) Allegiant Air G42937 18:38 Gepland
Huntington (HTS) Allegiant Air G42911 19:00 Gepland
Greenville-Spartanburg (GSP) Allegiant Air G42822 19:34 Gepland
Concord (USA) Allegiant Air G41317 19:35 Gepland
Indianapolis (IND) Allegiant Air G4603 21:08 Gepland
Knoxville (TYS) Allegiant Air G41407 21:10 Gepland
Cincinnati (CVG) Allegiant Air G4404 21:21 Gepland
Knoxville (TYS) Allegiant Air G41426 21:39 Gepland
Asheville (AVL) Allegiant Air G4269 22:07 Gepland

Vliegen van en naar Orlando Sanford International Airport

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